The methods being suggested for use in other answers here will achieve something similar to apt/apt-get but the underlying tools simply do not work the same way as apt or yum. The possible problems go beyond the mentioned possibility of running out of storage space (which is bad, but can be avoided if careful).

Oct 24, 2018 · Introduction: By default when you run either ‘apt-get upgrade’ or ‘apt upgrade’, Debian Linux will update all installed packages. However, in some cases, you may want to upgrade a specific package only such as Apache or Nginx on a Debian Linux. It is also possible to blacklist upgrading packages on Debian Linux. Jul 29, 2019 · When you do an apt-get upgrade after apt-get update, it upgrades the installed packages to the newer version. This is the reason why the fastest and the most convenient way to update Ubuntu is to use this command: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade -y Using apt-cache commands to search for packages sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get upgrade. or. sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade Automatic Updates, Upgrade, Remove unused, Remove old. This updates the packages, upgrades the packages, removes unused packages, then removes old versions of packages. sudo apt-get update -y && sudo apt-get upgrade -y && sudo apt-get autoremove -y && sudo update. resynchronizes the local index of packages files, updating information about new and updated packages that are available. The indexes are fetched from the location(s) specified in /etc/apt/sources.list. Aug 18, 2017 · apt-get update doesn’t actually install new versions of software. It downloads the package lists from the repositories and updates them to get information on the newest versions of packages and their dependencies. To upgrade installed packages to their latest available versions, use apt-get upgrade. There are two possible ways I can think of: sudo apt-get install nameofpackage This will upgrade the package even if is already installed: ~$ sudo apt-get install Using Synaptic Package Manager: Right click→Mark for upgrade: Note: Sometimes it may asks for additional packages or

Aug 30, 2017 · # update single package # $ sudo apt-get install --only-upgrade nano # update more than one packages # $ sudo apt-get install --only-upgrade MariaDB-server MariaDB-client nano 5) Check Change Log of Package. If you want to know, what are the changes made on the packages before upgrading you can check using below command.

This cookbook includes recipes to execute apt-get update to ensure the local APT package cache is up to date. There are recipes for managing the apt-cacher-ng caching proxy and proxy clients. It also includes a custom resource for pinning packages via /etc/apt/preferences.d. Requirements Platforms. Ubuntu 12.04+ Debian 7+ Nov 11, 2016 · $ sudo apt-get install aria2. Alternatively, you can use the following PPA to install Apt-fast. $ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:apt-fast/stable $ sudo apt-get update $ sudo apt-get -y install apt-fast. Some DEB based distributions like PCLinuxOS includes apt-fast in its official repositories. So, to install apt-fast, just run:

Running apt-get commands on a Debian-based system is routine. Packages are updated fairly frequently and commands like apt-get update and apt-get upgrade make the process quite easy. On the other

Jul 15, 2009 · apt-get dist-upgrade This is one of the more useful commands. In one go, you can update your entire system. Every single package will be upgraded to the newest, latest version as reported by the software repositories. Other useful commands apt-get has many other modes. The apt-get commandline supports implicit regex matches here but we do not because it can let typos through easier (If you typo foo as fo apt-get would install packages that have “fo” in their name with a warning and a prompt for the user. Since we don’t have warnings and prompts before installing we disallow this.Use an explicit fnmatch The first way to uninstall package is to use the apt-get remove command. $ sudo apt-get remove Using the grafana package we installed earlier, this would give $ sudo apt-get remove grafana. So why would we need a purge function? When using apt-get remove, the packages are removed but the files associated to the package are left intact. Jan 17, 2017 · How to use apt-offline to update Ubuntu offline: The whole procedure can be categorized in 3 steps: 1. Generate “apt signature” file: This “apt signature” contains the information about the downloaded and installed packages and thus it will help in determining which packages need to be downloaded on the other (lets say source) computer. dist-upgrade dist-upgrade in addition to performing the function of upgrade, also intelligently handles changing dependencies with new versions of packages; apt-get has a "smart" conflict resolution system, and it will attempt to upgrade the most important packages at the expense of less important ones if necessary. The dist-upgrade command may apt-get update && apt-cache search kali-linux Although we tried to make the metapackage names self-explanatory, we are limited in the practical length we can use, so let’s take a brief look at each of them and see how much disk space is used by each one: This cookbook includes recipes to execute apt-get update to ensure the local APT package cache is up to date. There are recipes for managing the apt-cacher-ng caching proxy and proxy clients. It also includes a custom resource for pinning packages via /etc/apt/preferences.d. Requirements Platforms. Ubuntu 12.04+ Debian 7+