General election: Corbyn promises 10 new national parks in

Labor promises 'bigger, better' budget surpluses | The New May 10, 2019 Labour’s manifesto promises to transform Britain, so why This general election is unique in ways that transcend Brexit. Over the decades that I have been observing British politics, never before have I witnessed a consensus so widespread and powerful regarding the country’s urgent needs and priorities. And never before has the Labour Party presented a manifesto, buttressed by the leadership’s will to implement it, that promises real change in Labour will hold the Tories to account on their Brexit

Election: John McDonnell promises as much freedom of

Labour Party manifesto 2019: 12 key policies explained Increase health budget by 4.3% The party also wants to cut private provision in the NHS. The 4.3% … Manifesto 2019 - The Labour Party

@AustralianLabor : Rely on JobKeeper? Here’s what would happen to your local community if Scott Morrison cancels JobKeeper too early https:/

What do the Liberal and Labor election health promises Jun 23, 2016 General Election 2010: Labour's broken manifesto pledges Apr 25, 2010 What do the Conservative, Labour and Lib Dem manifestos Dec 12, 2019