Getting started with Client VPN - AWS Client VPN

Mar 30, 2011 Install and Configure OpenVPN Server on Linux - Jun 13, 2011 Aviatrix OpenVPN® FAQs — aviatrix_docs documentation

PFSense - Setting Up OpenVPN on PFSense 2.4. - Chris Lazari

How can I make OpenVPN remember my username and password Right-click on the icon for OpenVPN as if you were going to connect to a server. Step 2: Edit Config. Go to the server you wish to connect to, but instead of clicking connect, click Edit Config. This will open the config file for the server you chose. Step 3: Add Command. Within the config file, add the following line: ‘auth-user-pass pass.txt’

Aug 12, 2019

after running sudo killall openvpn or service openvpn stop the virtual interface "tun0" would remain opened and referenced in route table, so actually related connections would be lost since openvpn service is killed.. the solution is to delete this virtual connection after killing openvpn service, as it is created everytime when openvpn service gets connected. OpenVPN / [Openvpn-users] Password change I have Openvpn 2.0.9 installed on Debian etch 4.0 and I would like to let users change their own passwords. The users use both 2.0.9 and newer versions. The installation is using pam password authentication; therefore, the password is in the shadow file.